Jumat, Mei 22, 2009

Cara kerja Pendeteksi Keberadaan Kereta Api (Operation of Track Circuit)

Bagaimana Prinsip Kerja Pendeteksi Keberadaan Kereta Api (Track circuit) Jenis DC?.

1. Salah satu ujung rail didalam area track circuit dihubungkan ke Catu Daya Listrik (Baterai), dan Ujung lainnya dihubungkan ke Relay.

(One end of rails in the track circuit section is connected to a power supply (battery); the other one - to a relay;)

2. Pada Kondisi Normal tanpa Kereta Api/Bakal Pelanting di area track circuit, arus DC yang di supply dari Catu Daya Listrik akan mengalir melalui Rail dan pada akhirnya menggerakan relay.

( Under normal conditions (no train on the track), the current flows from the power supply through the rail, energising the relay on the other end;)

3. Pada saat Kereta Api/Bakal Pelanting berada didalam area track circuit (istilah umumnya roda menginjak area Track circuit), akan terjadi Hubung Singkat (short circuit) di track circuit sehingga relay akan jatuh (drop)

(When the train appears on the section, it shunts the track circuit, therefore the relay will drop (will get de-energised);)

4. Jika Relay jatuh (drop), itu berarti di track circuit tersebut ada Kereta Api/Bakal Pelanting atau istilah umumnya Occupied dan di meja pelayanan track circuit tersebut berindikasi Merah.

( if the Relay drops, it means the setion is Occupied).

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